Die Schule für besonders begabte SchülerInnen in Mathematik/ Naturwissenschaften/ Informatik des Großraums Leipzig

. . . 26. April 2012 . . . . 18. Biologiewettbewerb der Universität Toronto . . .
. . . Registration Deadline: Friday, March 09, 2012 . . .
Barbie and Ken have their first child. Barbie knows her blood type is A, but Ken does not know his blood type. However, Ken knows that both his mother and father have type B blood. Their first child is a boy named Skip. Skip has type O blood. Barbie and Ken do not understand how this happened. Which of the following is the best explanation?
a. Barbie’s genotype is AA, and Ken’s genotype is OO; thus, Skip expresses the O phenotype.
b. Barbie’s genotype is AO, and Ken’s genotype is OO; thus, Skip expresses the O phenotype.
c. Because Ken’s parents are both type B, Ken cannot be Skip’s father.
d. Skip’s blood type will need to be checked after his first month of life if Barbie and Ken want to know his blood type, as it takes about a month for the blood type to develop in a newborn child.
e. Since Barbie has type A blood, there had to be a mix-up in the lab report, as Skip should also have type A blood.

Also für alle biologieinteressierten Ostwaldianer der Klassenstufen 10 bis 12, die derartige oder ähnlich amüsante, aber trotzdem anspruchsvolle Aufgaben lösen möchten:
meldet euch bis zum Montag, 05.03.2012 bei einem BIO – Lehrer verbindlich für diesen Wettbewerb an!!! Das Team des WOG nimmt zum sechsten Mal teil und kann dabei auf eine erfolgreiche Vergangenheit zurückblicken.

General Information :

Date: Thursday, April 26, 2012 Registration Deadline: Friday, March 09, 2012 Cost: $7 per student (three-student minimum).
Time: The exam is 75 minutes in length and must begin between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. ET.
Location: At participating schools.
Format: 50 multiple-choice questions; prepared and reviewed by faculty members in the departments of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Cell & Systems Biology, University of Toronto. (Competition materials are available only in English.)

Für UNS heißt das, wie jedes Jahr …. :
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Eure BIO - lehrer