Science Crosswords

Die Sprache der internationalen Wissenschaft ist Englisch. Im Juni wollen wir die Anwendung der wissenschaftlichen Fachsprache trainieren. Das machen wir am besten mit einem Kreuzworträtsel …

1. ‘Science’ was originally called this (7,10) 10. Symbol for the first member of the lanthanide elements (2) 11. One that goes up, like a mountaineer or a rose (7) 12. Emissions from cobalt-60 (5,4) 13. Long, slippery fish (3) 14. Crystalline carbon (7) 16. Poisonous Group 5 element (7) 18. Planet and legendary god of the sea (7) 21. Computer screen (7) 23. Astronomical body with tail (5) 26. Solenoid (4) 27. Symbol for semiconductor element (2) 29. Sodium chloride from the earth (4,4) 30. Dissolve as much as possible in (8) 31. Hoard or accumulate (5) 35. Part of a circle (3) 37. White hotness (13) 39. Ovum or female gamete (3) 40. The relation of one number to another (5) 41. The 17th Greek letter; symbol for resistivity (3) 42. Type of element that loses electrons on ionization (5) 43. Galvani’s first name (5) 44. Bright green gemstone (7) 45. It’s not ‘no’ (3) 46. Male birds (5)

1. General name for a nuclear particle (7) 2. The temperature at which ice, water and water vapor can exist together (6,5) 3. Very reactive Group 1 element (8) 4. It hatches from the egg of an arthropod undergoing complete metamorphosis (5) 5. Instrument for measuring atmospheric moisture (10) 6. Greek letter, symbol for wavelength (6) 7. Visible discharges of electricity (6) 8. Noble metal (8) 9. Dried grass for animals (3) 15. Angle of less than 90˚ (5) 17. Symbol for 3 down (2) 19. It’s not ‘yes’ (2) 20. Type of reaction in which ΔH is positive (11) 22. Plane figures with straight sides at right angles to each other (10) 24. Iridescent gemstone (4) 25. Compound formed by the reaction of an organic acid and an alcohol (5) 26. Particle from space (6,3) 28. Benjamin, the American who invented the lightning conductor (8) 31. Traditional name for the acid in vinegar (6) 32. Prefix meaning 106 (4) 33. Symbol for first transition element (2) 34. One of two ways of arranging electrical components in a circuit (6) 35. Pertaining to the stars (6) 36. Stores of water vapor in the atmosphere (6) 38. Reduces in temperature (5)

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